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Competency Strengthening Program

Start Date – 15th Jan to 15th April 2023

Fees: INR 30,000

Investment in self-development is the best investment: Benjamin Franklin.

Name of the program:  Competency Strengthening Program (Individual Development Intervention (IDI)).

Methodology: Based on the results of Psychometric assessment and One-On-One Interviews, as well as facts and empirical data collated during discussion.


So much certainty around uncertainty; let us not fall into the pool of paranoia, it is time to take initiative and accelerate our preparedness to win over uncertainties. let’s strengthen our wings.

It had been COVID for the last 2 years and an unprecedented experience, the mayhem and turmoil it had caused across the globe & country. This had a significantly negative impact in every social class. Business strategists began discussing resilience, empathy, and various other competencies which are as critical to the professional credential, seen as key enablers for professional growth in today’s scenario.


The same can only happen if we make a conscious effort to develop the areas that are not as strong as it should be and here comes behavioural assessment, which brings out the areas for improvement (competencies). Post that, work begins under the umbrella of the Competency Strengthening Program. Protein supplements are to improve physical agility and strength, but what about behavioural agility? One needs to constantly supplement the mind too. Mindful understanding helps in strengthening the areas of improvement, which are all about CDP /IDI.


This intervention will aid in framing the developmental plan with a goal of strengthening the competencies through a 3-months tailor made program, astutely curated based on individual’s aspirational journey.

The process has the following steps: